πŸ–‹οΈ Authors: CΓ©dric Bouysset
βš–οΈ License: Apache License 2.0
πŸ”‘ Keywords: drug-design, cheminformatics, molecular-dynamics
πŸš€ Development status: Production/Stable
πŸ“‘ Publications:
πŸ§ͺ Tests (latest): ProLIF develop CI status
πŸ§ͺ Tests (develop): ProLIF develop CI status
Interaction Fingerprints for protein-ligand complexes and more

Installation instructions

The latest version of ProLIF can be installed using the following:

mamba install -c conda-forge prolif

The source code of ProLIF can be installed using the following:

pip install rdkit
pip install "prolif[dev] @ git+"