Part 2: Adding code

See our YouTube tutorial for a video demonstration of this section.

The cookiecutter created a <package_name>/ directory where the MDAKit’s code can live - now it’s time to start adding that code!

  1. In this example, we are recreating the existing MDAnalysis RMSF analysis, so we will simply copy and paste this analysis class into a new file, rmsfkit/ The in-code documentation (which has been trimmed here for brevity) is written in reStructuredText syntax for building with Sphinx later.

    The contents of the file now resemble the following code block:

    A package to perform RMSF analysis on molecular dynamics data.
    All code and documentation, both of which are trimmed for the sake of brevity,
    are taken from the MDAnalysis Python package. Used under GPLv2+.
    from MDAnalysis.analysis.base import AnalysisBase
    import numpy as np
    class RMSF(AnalysisBase):
        r"""Calculate RMSF of given atoms across a trajectory.
        No RMSD-superposition is performed; it is assumed that the user is
        providing a trajectory where the protein of interest has been structurally
        aligned to a reference structure. The protein also has to be whole because
        periodic boundaries are not taken into account.
        Run the analysis with :meth:``, which stores the results in the
        array :attr:`RMSF.results.rmsf`.
        def __init__(self, atomgroup, **kwargs):
            atomgroup : AtomGroup
                Atoms for which RMSF is calculated
            verbose : bool (optional)
                 Show detailed progress of the calculation if set to ``True``; the
                 default is ``False``.
                 raised if negative values are calculated, which indicates that a
                 numerical overflow or underflow occurred
            The root mean square fluctuation of an atom :math:`i` is computed as the
            time average
            .. math::
              \rho_i = \sqrt{\left\langle (\mathbf{x}_i - \langle\mathbf{x}_i\rangle)^2 \right\rangle}
            No mass weighting is performed.
            This method implements an algorithm for computing sums of squares while
            avoiding overflows and underflows :cite:p:`Welford1962`.
            .. bibliography::
                :filter: False
            super(RMSF, self).__init__(atomgroup.universe.trajectory, **kwargs)
            self.atomgroup = atomgroup
        def _prepare(self):
            self.sumsquares = np.zeros((self.atomgroup.n_atoms, 3))
            self.mean = self.sumsquares.copy()
        def _single_frame(self):
            k = self._frame_index
            self.sumsquares += (k / (k+1.0)) * (self.atomgroup.positions - self.mean) ** 2
            self.mean = (k * self.mean + self.atomgroup.positions) / (k + 1)
        def _conclude(self):
            k = self._frame_index
            self.results.rmsf = np.sqrt(self.sumsquares.sum(axis=1) / (k + 1))
            if not (self.results.rmsf >= 0).all():
                raise ValueError("Some RMSF values negative; overflow " +
                                 "or underflow occurred")
  2. We have now added the RMSF analysis class to our package. Finally, to make this class easier to access, we import it in by adding:

    from .rmsfkit import RMSF

Progress: MDAKit requirements

  1. ✓ Uses MDAnalysis - the added code uses the MDAnalysis AnalysisBase class, and takes MDAnalysis AtomGroup objects as inputs.

  2. ✓ Open source + OSI license

  3. Versioned + on a version-controlled repository

  4. ✓ Designated authors and maintainers

  5. (At least) minimal documentation

  6. (At least) minimal regression tests

  7. ✓ Installable as a standard package

  8. ✓ (Recommended) community information available

  9. (Recommended) on a package distribution platform