Guided Example: Building an RMSF analysis Kit
In this section, we provide a guided example for creating an MDAKit using the MDAKit cookiecutter. A video walk-through of this tutorial is available on YouTube:
We will create a kit for RMSF analysis, replicating the functionality of the RMSF analysis class in the core library.
First, let’s refresh ourselves on the requirements for a ‘registerable’ kit. In brief:
MDAKit requirements
Uses MDAnalysis
Open source + OSI license
Versioned + on a version-controlled repository
Designated authors and maintainers
(At least) minimal documentation
(At least) minimal regression tests
Installable as a standard package
(Recommended) community information available
(Recommended) available on a package distribution platform
Below are the steps we’ll go through to create our MDAKit. We’ll check back in after each part to see how we’re progressing through these requirements!