.. _OpenMMDL: ************************************************ OpenMMDL ************************************************ | ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ **Authors**: `OpenMMDL authors`_ | ๐Ÿ  **Project home:** https://github.com/wolberlab/OpenMMDL | ๐Ÿ“– **Documentation:** http://openmmdl.readthedocs.io/ | โš–๏ธ **License:** MIT | ๐Ÿ”‘ **Keywords:** MD simulations, Protein-ligand analysis, flask-based webserver, visualization, openmm, rdkit, nglview | ๐Ÿš€ **Development status:** Development Status :: 4 - Beta | ๐Ÿ“œ **Changelog:** https://github.com/wolberlab/OpenMMDL/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md | ๐Ÿงช **Tests (latest):** |OpenMMDL_latest| | ๐Ÿงช **Tests (develop):** |OpenMMDL_develop| | **Description:** | *Interface to OpenMM for easy setup of molecular dynamic simulations of protein-ligand complexes and the analysis thereof* Installation instructions ========================= The latest version of OpenMMDL can be installed using the following: .. code-block:: bash mamba install -c conda-forge openmmdl The source code of OpenMMDL can be installed using the following: .. code-block:: bash mamba install -c conda-forge pip numpy plip requests>=2.28.1 mdtraj rdkit>=2022.03.5 pdbfixer openff-toolkit openmmforcefields cudatoolkit>=11.7.0 cuda-python>=11.7.1 mdanalysis>=2.3.0 flask>=2.2.2 cairosvg nglview numba>=0.59.1 jupyter pip install git+https://github.com/wolberlab/OpenMMDL .. _`OpenMMDL authors`: https://github.com/wolberlab/OpenMMDL/blob/main/AUTHORS.md .. |OpenMMDL_latest| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/latest-passed-green.svg :alt: OpenMMDL develop CI status :target: https://github.com/MDAnalysis/MDAKits/actions .. |OpenMMDL_develop| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/develop-passed-green.svg :alt: OpenMMDL develop CI status :target: https://github.com/MDAnalysis/MDAKits/actions